Empress Pebbles Friday

A: It smelled like rain when I left my apartment this morning.
B: It began to rain while I was driving.
C: I walked barefoot across the parking lot when I got to work (umbrella… no shoes).
Conclusion: It promises to be a beautiful day.

1) I trust we’ve all visited the USA Today Royal Name Generator.
In honor of the birth of Prince George of Cambridge (yes, I followed all possible news feeds on Monday and clapped like an organ grinder’s monkey when his birth was finally announced), we all now have the opportunity to discover what our Royal names would have been if our parents had been on their game and commanded countries (what is it with these modern parents choosing to NOT be monarchs?!).
In an unexpected turn, I was dubbed “Empress Pebbles the Great“, which may or may not eventually be etched into a mug or embroidered on a blazer.

2) Subbable
For the past few months, there has been a consistent thought floating around in my mind: If I could give the Greens lots of greens (by greens I mean money, of course) I would.
I think they heard me, for up from the depths has sprung “Subbable”, created by John and Hank, which allows viewers like you to subscribe to the creators of web content that you enjoy, such as Crash Course, which offers a series of videos on chemistry, biology, history, and literature. The content remains free, and those of us who feel moved to give hard earned rubles can do so for various perks, such as signed posters and shout-outs in future episodes.
Personally, as I don’t much care for posters, and I don’t much like to be shouted out (or at, for that matter), I would like bobble heads of the Greens that will speak out various catch-phrases at the push of a button.
I specifically request “Darling, fetch the battle ax.”

3) Cumber Batches of Oats.

Cumber Batches of Oats: http://j.mp/1bmoFXP on Twitpic

With almonds.


Well, THIS came out today, which explains the whole Subbable thing with pictures of John and Hank photoshopped into Mario costumes.